Customer Experience Maturity Assessment



Bain and Company found that 80% of brands believed they delivered extraordinary experiences, but only 8% of their customers agreed. In their research, they further established that a staggering 70% of organisations failed to maintain effective, closed-loop, customer feedback mechanisms to understand their customer’s needs, and only 30% of companies prioritised CX improvements to enable delivery of ‘superior’ customer experiences.

More recently, Forrester produced ‘The State of CX Maturity Report, 2019’ and found that a whopping 81% of brands had stagnated in customer experience maturity. They also revealed that 91% of organisations had let their employees down with inadequate resources to deliver intended customer experiences, and 85% of brands actually wasted resources on improving the wrong customer experiences.

At Being Human, we intend to bridge this experience gap by designing human-centered experiences that exceed customer expectations. Using our Customer Experience Maturity Assessment, we will guide you through five stages of CX maturity to develop a comprehensive customer experience ecosystem that demonstrates the true value of customer-centricity.

  • Toddlerhood
  • Childhood
  • Teenager
  • Adolescent
  • Adulthood

To accurately gauge your organisation’s stage of CX maturity, take our customer experience maturity assessment and identify your brand’s CX strengths and weaknesses, scored across the six core competencies of customer experience.

  • Customer Experience Strategy
  • Experience Design, Improvement, and Innovation
  • Organisational Adoption and Accountability
  • Customer-Centric Culture
  • Voice of the Customer, Customer Insights and Understanding
  • Metrics, Measurement and Return on Investment

You will receive a personalised report that highlights your customer experience maturity score and your relevant stage of CX maturity. We then dissect your CX maturity score into its granular components – the six core competencies of customer experience, to illustrate areas of improvement. And, we will also include recommendations on how we can help you advance to the next stage of customer experience maturity.


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